How You Make Dubsmash Video

No doubt you’ve heard and seen Dubsmash by now. Dubsmash has become very popular in a short  period and lots of people are posting their short videos on the internet for others to enjoy. One of the great things of Dubsmash is that it’s easy to make and share, but have you ever thought about doing more than just sharing a dubsmash video every now and then? How about going one step further and creating a Dubsmash compilation? Here’s some pointers.

- Think of a theme and make a couple of videos according to this theme. You can try music genres, for instance, but also a theme based on words that occur in the videos or any other theme you can think of.

- When putting your compilation together, try to find the best order for your videos. When you use Together to make your compilation, you can easily arrange and rearrange them while watching the entire movie.This works almost real-time, so finding the best order is in no way time-consuming.

- How about giving your compilation a title? Plain “Dubsmash compilation” sounds too banale, so try to figure out something original to entice people into watching the entire thing. You can also add extra text to your compilation to comment on your work or enhance the theme.

- Try something different; dress yourself in a special way and/or change one small thing in your clothes in every subsequent video. Dress the room you’re in, Dubsmash with friends or use puppets to playback. Be creative!

- Don’t forget to share your compilation online, you can do so easily when using Together. Have fun and do let us know when you’ve made a great compilation using our app; why not post it on our Facebook page or put it on Twitter @WorldDubsmash We’d love to see your wor